Thursday, September 4, 2008

South Carolina

Here are a few pictures from our Mission Trip to the Children's Home.

This is the town where the children's home is located, this picture is of the older boys and the youth that went on the trip. While we were there we spent most of the time with the older boys at the home. They helped us with the yard work they had us do and the boys took us on a bike ride around the town which is not that big so it took about 45 minutes, during the ride we stopped twice that probably took up about 15 to 20 minutes of the time. Before going on the bike ride we had to get bikes for everyone, this took longer than the actual bike ride. Wal-mart donates bikes to the home that are not always in great shape. So we had to go through the bikes to figure out which ones would actually work, I wound up with a bike that reminded me of Wizard of Oz, the lady in the beginning of the movie's bike. It took me a little while to get used to the handle bars because they were so awkward.

Here are a couple pictures from Myrtle Beach

And of course I had to get a picture of palm trees.

These are pictures of a fountain that was in a gift shop.

This picture below was taken by Kalene of my son Chris on the way home sleeping.


My name is Kristie said...

Great Pictures. Looks like Chris was pretty tired after the trip.


Amber said...

He sure was.
I think we all were.
It was a great trip though.